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Sometimes you gotta push the reset button

Hannah King
Welcome to Health Unedited: A look at my free writing around healthy topics! We are all just healthy humans trying to make the best & most out of life but it's not always rainbows & butterflies...

When I talk about a healthy lifestyle I emphasize that it's a lifestyle. It's a choice of living. It's a way of living. It's something you can maintain for the rest of your life.

Sometimes we get caught up in this busy world and we lose track of ourselves, our healthy habits, and priorities. And when I say 'we', I'm really talking for myself and how the last couple months have been very challenging...

Back in May I applied to be in a local pitch competition. After making it through other qualifying rounds, I prepared for the live pitch in August. What an amazing opportunity to expand my skillset and raise money for our upcoming renovations at the Studio! Of course, I went ALL OUT! And when I say all out, I mean it.

While I'm very competitive and love a challenge, the pitching experience has also been eye opening in other ways.

Year 1 of the Studio was all about opening successfully, creating our systems & software, listening to member feedback, and constantly adapting to serve our community better and better.

As we sat down and prepared for the pitch, we reflected and decided to switch our software (that I spent almost 3 months programming) as well as completely redoing our website and membership structure. So yeah... pretty much improving the entire core of the Studio.

With the added time pressure from the pitch I ended up working 7am-9pm on most days and was head down focused to make those changes while also operating the business and running my personal training business. There was very little time for friends, family, and myself.

Fast forward to August I pitched SL and while we didn't win the grand prize, we won the 'people's choice award'. It was such an amazing experience AND inspired so many amazing improvements over the past months.

The weekend after the pitch, I was in the middle of our community yoga class and got the sad news that someone very close to me in Germany passed away. I was devastated and embarrassed as I started balling in savasana (the part where you lay quietly on your mat at the end of class lol).

For months, gosh maybe years at this point, I was SO focused on work. My life evolved around work and I would prioritize it over everything else... So, when I got the message, it truly felt like life is giving me a huge wakeup call.

As I journaled and reflected, I realized that I am the only one creating such high expectations of myself. Leading to feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious and disconnected from myself and my surroundings.


Perfectly timed with the universe, I went to a gong meditation at the Sound Center - if you haven't been, I HIGHLY recommend. Using the energies of the new moon to set new intentions, reflect, and reprioritize.

I feel reconnected with my intentions. Making time to catch up with friends, to workout and move my body, to be mindful and to be there for my family. AND most importantly, set boundaries with work! I'm so blessed with this life and I know it goes way beyond work.

Again... Sometimes we get caught up in this busy world and we lose track of ourselves, our healthy habits, and priorities. AND THAT'S OKAY!

Take a breath, look at the big picture, and know that healthy habits & routines can be seasonal and fluctuate. What matters is the actions you take on a consistent basis over the term of your life (not just this week, month, or year).

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