Hi, I'm Alex Walker!
As a talent performance ‘lifer’, I have built a career out of a passion and belief that work can be rewarding, enjoyable – even fun. We get ‘stuck’ when our skills fall short of the needs at hand. We don’t have to stay in this place.
My work is in helping teams and individuals to perform better with each solution – to continually build new skills to meet the demands of new situations. Leonardo DiCaprio said, “Every next level of your life will demand a different you.” This is true for individuals, teams and businesses.
With experience in financial services, petroleum refining & marketing and manufacturing, I have seen the details of the business change, but the people and how they work together, do not.
I enjoy bringing the strategic thinking and targeted solutions I’ve gained to smaller businesses in the need of quality, practical, solutions to their most pressing concerns.
I talk with clients to get a deeper understnading of needs and situation. We create a solution that delivers on those needs. Solutions could be individual coaching for an owner, a training for a team, a group coaching with other managers.
Feeling the call for something better? Let’s talk!
Alex's #1 Tip to Be Well:
Pay attention to yourself. We can overlook so many important messages (thirst, tired, boredom) if we get too busy. Slow down and notice with blameless discernment.
Get in touch: alex@leadershipEXP.com
Website: www.leadershipexp.com