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Work & Wellness with ALPACA MEAL


Say it out loud! Alpaca Meal. 

Have you worked that fat monthly (insert your go-to convenient food source) bill into your budget? Accurately?  

I still haven’t. 

How much food in your fridge is expired, or just not fresh anymore? Like half? All of it? Those carrots hold for so long, right? I know.

Alpaca Meal is not so different from any other meal prep company. We want to save you time and money, and cook you great food. Maybe the difference, for members at Squadstyle, is that you know the chef. Maybe you’ve eaten my food before at Pizza Parlay. If you don’t know what that is, you’re in for a treat this spring.

My mission with Alpaca Meal is not to be the healthiest option you can possibly choose, but it is healthy. I’m not trying to be the cheapest meal prep you can buy, but it is fairly priced. I’m not trying to turn you into a vegan, but I do offer plant based meals. The important thing to me is that I would eat all of this food, and feed it to my family every day. I don't shy on seasoning either, flavor is high on the list of priorities.

I created this business and my menu with wellness in mind. We use whole food ingredients. We source organic ingredients whenever possible. When spring comes around we will partner with local farms to supply the freshest produce available. And when you want to indulge after a tough day, I have something for that as well.

Maybe you were anticipating this one, but I created this service with work in mind too. For one, this is work that I enjoy doing (that’s a wellness tip!). For two, these meals are obviously beneficial to anybody with a busy schedule. Which is most of us. And third, if you are a member at Squadstyle, your meals will be delivered right to your co-working space!

If anything else doesn't motivate you to give Alpaca Meal a try, maybe a discount will. Order this week with Discount Code ‘SQUAD5’ for 5% off your order. 

See you at the studio!

Andrew Wilkinson


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